The ESF Board and community members donate over 2,500 hours of volunteer time annually.


The Manzanita Open and other ESF events throughout the year would not be possible without the support of our volunteers. At the Manzanita Open, volunteers help with the food court, putting and chipping contests, 5th and 6th hole KPs, raffles and other games, and more. Please reach out to Board Member Connie VanderWaal if you are interested at 503-407-3555

And THANK YOU to all the 104 volunteers who helped make the Manzanita Open such a success!

Alex Cazanas
Angie Douma
Arna Vanebo
Art Zettergren
Bill & Lori Orton
Bill Nealeigh
BJ Mamano
Bob Calkins
Bob Maxwell
Carol Owens
Caroline Mitchell
Cathy Linholm
Char VonAhleford
Charlene Guenert
Cheryl Erickson
Chris Bennett
Chuck Boomer
Chuck Zwissler
Connie Dumond
Dan Ayers
Dan Winslow
Dellanne McGregor
Dick Heaman
Don Dillard
Don Markle
Donna Miller
Ed Forener
Eileen Nordquist
Espen White
Gail Maxwell
Gayle Stephens
Gordy Johnson & Diane Unruh
Harv Bennett

Heidi Buckmaster
Jan Cleary
Jay Miller
Jeff Pfeifer
Jenna Archibald
Jenna Edginton
Jennifer Holm
Jim Dopp
John Durkin
John Maxwell
Jon Hull
Julie Chick
Karen Williams
Kathy Jean Hrywnak
Kevin Dunn
Laramie Myers
Lark Miller
Larry Paluck
Loren Thompson
Lynn Bayouth
Magaret & Carl Whiting
Mark Beach
Mark Davidson
Mark Erickson
Mark McCorkle
Marc Miller
Margie Neilson
Martha Schechtel
Marty Stubbs
Michelle Chestnut
Mike Maginnis
Mike Vanebo
Myer Dooley

Nancy Dillard
Nola Smith
Patty Rinehart
Patty Reksten
Paul Erhlbach
Paul Hughes
Pete DeTurk
Peter & Karin Walczak
Ralph Rossknecht
Renee Schalabrin
Ric Nichols
Rob Sansum
Ruby Wargnier
Ryan Dillard
Ryan Vandecoevering
Scott Krueger
Scott Galvin & Judy Hansen
Scott Howell
Scott Morrow
Stacey Jacobson
Steve Auer
Steve Grimes
Steve Rall
Sue Crist
Sue Gray
Susan Reinhardt
Teresa Woodward
Thomas Ryan
Tim Schaeffer
Tim Stein
Tosha Reinmiller
Vinny Martinez-Zbor
Wendy Pickett